October 24, 2022
Dear Parent/Guardian:
This morning, the CSAT community experienced a tragedy when a former 9th grade student passed away in an untimely manner.
Because this student was enrolled in our school until very recently, this death has profoundly affected many in the CSAT family, and therefore, we are providing notice to you that your child may also experience some reactions associated with this event. Should this be the case, please know that there are qualified staff (school counselors, social workers) on hand to help students through this difficult time.
Students will have varied reactions to the death of a peer. Many different reactions are normal in the grief process and can range from withdrawal, to crying to anger. We encourage you to openly discuss with your child(ren) their reactions and feelings regarding this. Should your child need additional support, please feel free to contact us.
Below you will find some of the common reactions that students may or may not exhibit following this type of event.
Thank you for your attention and take comfort in the fact that all of us here are committed to supporting one another through this trying time. Do not hesitate to contact us with any further concerns.
Sincerest regards,
Brett Lutterbein
High School Principal