The Special Education Department at the Charter School for Applied Technologies is dedicated to ensure that your child/children receive the best possible educational support. We co-teach and co-plan with the general education teachers. We offer support to the general education teachers to ensure that the needs of each student is met.

    We offer a full-range of special education services designed to meet the needs of all learners, including: 
    • Inclusive support (special education teachers working directly with students in the classroom)
    • Pull-out support (resource room support for students who require specialized instruction or an IEP)
    • Related Services: speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy as directed

    Definition of Special Education

    Special Education consists of specifically designed instruction for students who are identified by the students' home school districts Committee on Special Education (CSE), as having a disability which interferes with learning. The CSE is a multidisciplinary team of parents and professionals responsible for determining eligibility, coordinating evaluations, and recommending programs or services.

    The CSE is committed to identifying children with disabilities and providing necessary, appropriate services and support within the least restrictive environment. In addition, all children receiving special education services are entitled to a review at least once yearly. The purpose of this annual review is to recommend the continuation, modification, or termination of the provision of special education programs and supports. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend these annual reviews.
    Director of Special Education
    Mrs. Carrie Shannon
    (716)876-7505 ext. 1141