The websites below will help you locate information for your inventors project.1. 40 Famous Inventors ~ Gives information on 40 great inventors2.Inventors and Inventions ~ Good resource gives you a brief summary3. 12 Famous Scientist ~ Gives information on 12 famous scientist and thier invention, but also allows you to search other inventors.4. Who Invented Chewing Gum ~ Gives information on who and how chewing gum was invented5. Karl Benz ~ Information on Karl Benz and the invention of the automobile.6. Cellophane ~ Information on the inventionof cellophsne7. Wilson Greatbatch ~ Information about the inventor of the implantable cardiac pacemaker8. David Gregg ~ Information about the invetor of the optical disk and what it does.9. John Hopps ~ Information about the inventor of the cardiac pacemaker10. Willem Kolff ~ Infomation about the artifical heart and its inventor11. James Russell ~ Information about the inventor of the compact disk12. Earl Tupper ~ Information about the inventor of tupperware13. George Westinghouse ~ Information about the inventor of many electrical devices in railroads
Last Modified on September 26, 2017