Destiny Catalog: Click the link below to log into Destiny.
Directions for logging into Destiny Discover
Destiny Discover
How to access the digital catalog?
From your computer
1. Go to our website: www.csat-k12.org
2. Click on buildings, thenHS Library
3. Click on Destiny Catalog
Steps Cont’d
4. Click on log in link in the top right-hand corner.
User Name and Password are the same as your
Log in information. (See Mrs. Reynolds or Mrs. Zgrablich if you need your log in information)
5. Click on catalog and then click on Destiny Discover
6. Search for titles topics. E-Books may be checked out.
E-Books can be checked out by clicking a button.
Use Our AP
Want to read off your phone or an e-reader?
1. Download the free Destiny Discover AP from your devices AP Store.
2. Log in using your log in information.
3. Find your downloaded books