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  • Citation Tips for Students
    When you are doing a paper or making a project, your teacher may ask you to cite your information sources.  Listed below are several websites that help you create your list of information sources in a format called a bibliography.  Give it a try, your teachers will think you are brilliant!
    Click on the logos below to open the citation website.
    cite citefast
    Look below for descriptions, usernames and passwords for the citation maker websites listed above.
    Bib Me

    Welcome to BibMe! The fully automatic bibliography maker that auto-fills. It's the easiest way to build a works cited page. And it's free.

    Cite.com is here to help make essay writing quick and easy! With Cite.com, you can quickly generate citations, a works cited page and more so you can focus on what's really important, your essay! Best of all, the service is completely free of charge, unlike other citation generators out there.

    EasyBib is an automatic bibliography composer. When you have sources you need to cite properly for your research paper, EasyBib will help you format your sources quickly and accurately. Millions of students a month use EasyBib to cite sources for their papers.

    Cite Fast

    Citation Machine is an interactive web tool designed to assist high school, college, and university students, their teachers, and independent researchers in their effort to respect other people's intellectual properties. Make sure to click on the MLA tab for citation in MLA format and click on APA for citations in APA format.  Not sure which format your teacher wants? Double-check the directions for your assignment. If it still isn't clear, use MLA format.


    NoodleTools provides innovative software that teaches students and supports teachers and librarians throughout the entire research process. To login, the user name is csatlibrary and the password is password.

Last Modified on December 1, 2015