Before students can choose the right career, they first must learn about themselves. In addition to exposing students to different professions through career touches and providing them with chance to ask questions to make better decision, CSAT utilizes several Career Assessment tools designed to help our students understand how their personal attributes will impact them in different career options and work environments. These assessments look at student's vaues, interest, soft skills and aptitudes, in combination with their personality types, in order to determine what occupations are a good fit, and what careers may be completely inappropriate.

    Here are a few of the assessments we use:


    Select CSAT students participate in the Indigo Assessment provides which uses four sciences to achieve individualized results. This comprehensive assessment looks at behaviors, motivators, 21st century skills and social-emotional perceptions to help provide information and insight relevent to career choices and the modern economy.


    NY Career Zone

    Partnering with the State, students are able to explore careers related to their strengths, skills and talents. Students are able to choose from six career clusters including arts and& humanities, business and information systems, engineering and techology, health services, natural and agricultural sciences and human and public services. The NY Career Zone site features hundreds of occuupations which student can explore and learn more about and allows users to target their interests to determine which job suits them best.
