• Working Papers

    Steps to Obtain Working Papers:

    1. Fill out Part I ONLY of the Application for Employment Certificate (available in the Career and Counseling Center or online on the Counseling Center webpage). Have your parent/guardian sign Part I ONLY!
    2. Have a physical fitness certificate (available in the Career and Counseling Center or online on the Career and Counseling Center webpage) signed:
      • By your doctor



      • By the health office if you have a physical on file with her that has been updated within the last year
    1. Return BOTH completed forms to the Career and Counseling Center. We will issue your working papers to you and keep a copy on file!

    A few things to keep in mind:

    ·         We will issue working papers to students on Wednesdays and Fridays during the school day (7:20 a.m. - 3 p.m.). We will call you down to the Counseling Center when your working papers are ready!

    ·         During vacations and breaks, you can drop off your working papers application to the main office and Ms. Darby will give them to a counselor for processing. Counselors are in the office on Wednesdays during the summer from 8:00-2:00.

    ·         According to NYS Law, “The issuing school may revoke certificates and permits for appropriate cause.” This means that if your employment is interfering with required school attendance or is affecting your progress in school, we reserve the right to revoke your working papers. Be sure to remain in attendance at school and in good academic standing while you are employed!

    ·         You must present the following to the HS Counseling Center before receiving your working papers:

    1. Evidence of Age (Birth Certificate, Passport, etc.),
    2. Parent Signature and

    3. Certificate of Physical Fitness.

    *ALL of these items can be found on the application for employment certificate.

    *Full information for employers, students, and certifying officials (schools) can be found on the NYS Education Department Website at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/pps/workingpapers/*


    Application for Working Papers